Third Quarter 2020 Investment Market Review

Investors are best served by making decisions based on a preponderance of evidence. See the Third Quarter 2020 Investment Market Review.

How Should I Prepare for an Uncertain Election?

With the uncertainty of what will happen this November, it is important to remember sound principles and look to history for context.

Social Security: Should I Take Benefits While Working?

Should I take my retirement benefits early in order to take advantage of the program, given the uncertain future of Social Security?

4 Keys: Avoid letting fear and greed drive your decision-making

It is commonly said that fear and greed drive the stock market, but you should avoid letting fear and greed drive your decision-making.

An Alternative to Budgeting: A Proven And Sustainable Framework for Success

As an Alternative to Budgeting, the Live, Give, Owe, Grow exercise puts you in control and can help you pursue financial success

Tesla (TSLA) stockholders are getting four shares for each share they held last week

Tesla Stock Splits & More: Cut Through The Noise

Welcome to our first episode of Cut Through the Noise, where Anthony Saffer and Alex Okugawa tackle the hottest topics in financial markets and life.

How Do Low Interest Rates Affect Retirement?

Interest rates have an impact, especially when we're talking about retirement planning, thus having the right plan is essential.

What Do Low Interest Rates Mean for My Retirement?

Mortgage rates are at historically low levels and borrowing money is relatively cheap. However, a retiree typically has less debt and more saved in…

Market Hits All Time High

What Does a Stock Market “All Time High” NOT Mean?

With the market at an all-time high, knowing what this does not mean is vitally important. Here are 3 things to consider:

Sitting in Cash: Should I Wait Out the Election?

Sitting in Cash: Should I Wait Out the Election?

Sitting in cash cash can backfire and it becomes addictive. It also requires you to answer a big question: When do I get back in?

value investing

Value Investing: Will Big, Growth Companies Continue to Dominate?

With the extraordinary performance of a handful of tech-giants, it leads many investors to wonder if we should expect these stocks to continue such strong…


Should you pay off your mortgage for retirement?

Because mortgage interest is generally tax-deductible and interest rates are currently low, some believe that a homeowner should extend a mortgage as long as…

How Much Do I Need to Retire?

Get your free retirement readiness report to find out!


Is your family set up to succeed or fail?

6 Keys To Create An Impactful Legacy