Should Stock Market Volatility Concern you?

Should Stock Market Volatility Concern you?

The year 2018, including recent weeks, has experienced more volatility than the remarkably calm and growthful 2017. Should this concern you? We don’t believe…

Prepare for Lasting Family Wealth

Prepare for Lasting Family Wealth

Inherited wealth is typically gone by the third generation. A proactive Legacy Plan can help alter this course.

When to Update Your Home Insurance

When to Update Your Home Insurance

As a protection for you, your belongings, and your loved ones, it’s important that you know when to update your home insurance.

What Has Happened so Far in 2018

What Has Happened so Far in 2018

Coming off a historically “smooth ride up” in 2017, the first half of 2018 can best be described as “choppy.”

Three keys to deflect questionable financial advice

Three keys to deflect questionable financial advice

With unlimited information, it is easy to get lost in the noise. Anyone can talk about sports, finances, or politics, here are three tips...

Tips for Successful Investing

Tips for Successful Investing

Every investor wants to be successful but many will struggle because of bad habits, alluring narratives and misconceptions.

Four Keys to Overcoming Anxiety about Money

Four Keys to Overcoming Anxiety about Money

Four Keys to Overcoming Anxiety about Money. People want this question answered more than any other when it comes to planning their finances.

What Rising Interest Rates Mean for Investors

What Rising Interest Rates Mean for Investors

News is buzzing with fear of rising interest rates and its impact on the US economy.

6 Financial Things College Students Should Do

6 Financial Things College Students Should Do

If I was in college today and bombarded with the amount of information and opinions of this era, here are six things I would focus on...


Unexpected Expenses and Worry

With the key in the ignition, I turn it over only to hear that dreaded sound…

Next Steps After Filing Taxes

Next Steps After Filing Taxes. Every year people fall into two different camps when filing: those who owe and those who receive a refund.

Wisdom before Brings Success

Should Pastors opt out of Social Security?

Should Pastors opt out of Social Security? We all make the best decisions we can at the time and must simply move forward.

How Much Do I Need to Retire?

Get your free retirement readiness report to find out!


Is your family set up to succeed or fail?

6 Keys To Create An Impactful Legacy