Do You Desire for Your Children to Be Generous?

Family legacy isn’t an accident

It’s a parent’s goal for their children to grow up to be good, decent people who care for others. Being selfless, compassionate, and generous are pillars of admirable character. However, passing on those characteristics is typically easier said than done. There is pressure for families to “keep up with the Joneses” and the fear that giving may reduce the capability to provide and protect. It can be difficult teaching children how to be charitable and outward thinking.

We have helped hundreds of families gain confidence to give more than they ever thought they could, and equip them with tools to pass on values of empathy and generosity to the next generation. Here are some ideas to help your children understand the power of giving:

Tell your story:

Your story is the most influential tool to pass on values and help shape the next generation. You’ve accumulated years of knowledge, which if not passed down will be lost. There are times in your life in which you’ve been the recipient of generosity, whether big or small. Explaining these stories will help make it real and personable.

It doesn’t have to be a formal setting to pass on valuable information. Family dinners or road trips are great ways to tell your story. Just make sure to record everything by writing it down or use voice recording on your phone to archive for a future date.

How your giving has helped others:

There are many ways you can give and be generous; whether that be through volunteer work or donations. Show your children the impact your giving makes and how it helps others.

If you give your time by volunteering, take your children along so they can share the experience. If you give money or goods, show your children what the donations are being used to accomplish and the lives that are affected.

We love seeing families connected in their finances and using their gifts to help others. Family legacy isn’t an accident. Be intentional with what you do.

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