We are all going through troubling times. The world is collectively fighting a dangerous virus. People are confined to their homes and children are not in school. Many businesses in the service industry are temporarily shutting down. 4 Ways to Be Successful During Difficult Times

Looking at life through a historical lens, here is the truth: We will get through this.

Below are a few exercises that can help you successfully navigate this period.

Connect with Each Other

Dr. Henry Cloud is a leadership expert and psychologist. He writes:

“The undeniable reality is that how well you do in life and in business depends not only on what you do and how you do it, your skills and competencies but also on who is doing it with you or to you. Who is helping you?…These people are literally making you who you are.”

The best way for us to get through this is by sticking together. The virus outbreak has broken our sense of connectedness through isolation. We accomplish more together. Relationship is a key component of working through challenges.

Action: Write down a list of who you need to connect with and the frequency you want to connect with them.

Create Structure

Our sense of structure has been destroyed. Our daily routines have been disturbed. We rely on daily structures to keep us on track and feeling normal. Freedom exists within small structures. Creating boundaries within your day will encourage calmness in your mind.

Action: Set a time to complete an activity every day. This can be things like going for a walk at 6:00PM or family game night.

Let Go of Control

Human beings are control freaks. Crisis is a big problem because we feel a loss of control. We can’t control our lives the same way we once did a few weeks ago. Many of us in California are confined to our homes. Many of the foods we used to buy are no longer available. It can create a feeling of helplessness. Nonetheless, there are things we can control every day. By focusing on those we can begin to regain a sense of normalcy.

Action: Write down a list with two columns. In one column list things you cannot control, and in the other column list things you can control today.

Positivity Trumps Negativity

Let’s use this time to our advantage. Many people are dealing with rambunctious children at home while working. It can be difficult. But this is precious time you will never get back with your children. For some people, this global crisis means slowing down and focusing on what’s important to you. If you’ve wanted to focus on your health and wellbeing, you likely no longer have a work commute. Use that time to cook healthy meals and exercise at home.

Action: Note times you have been through trials and tribulations and the eventual outcomes. Think of past market crashes and declines — you made it through. It looks bad now and it may look worse tomorrow. But we will get through this.

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