
Should you pay off your mortgage for retirement?

Because mortgage interest is generally tax-deductible and interest rates are currently low, some believe that a homeowner should extend a mortgage as long as…

The Essential Components of a Financial Plan

You need a financial plan to help you make the best decisions you can for today and ensure that’s the case tomorrow and the next day as well.

How Can Gratitude Help You Prosper?

How Can Gratitude Help You Prosper?

Being grateful is so much more than just being nice or simply the right thing to do. It can be the foundation of contentment, fulfillment and purpose.

4 Things I’ve learned after 20 years as a financial advisor

4 Things I’ve learned after 20 years as a financial advisor

Here are 4 Things I’ve learned after 20 years as a financial advisor. These points are simply takeaways from years in the financial industry.

Money smart families

Money Smart Families Begin at Home

We sincerely believe that passing wisdom before passing wealth to the next generation helps minimize the potential harmful effects of money and instead can be…

10 Minutes a Day Is All It Takes

10 Minutes a Day Is All It Takes

10 minutes a day is all it takes to address these four key areas: spiritual, academic, skill-building, and service-oriented growth. 

What I’ve Learned from Teaching Money Management to a Disorganized Teen

What I’ve Learned from Teaching Money Management to a Disorganized Teen

Teaching healthy money practices to your kids is not about hearing the correct answers from them or manufacturing the desired result.

My 9 year old is in debt and I’m loving it

My 9 year old is in debt and I’m loving it

Teaching my 9 year old (who is in debt) lessons and principles on money management and the value of hard work and I'm loving it.

Why the dollar amount of bonds in your investment portfolio matters

Why the dollar amount of bonds in your investment portfolio matters

Here is why the dollar amount of bonds in your investment portfolio matters for retirees taking income from their investment portfolio.

Should you own International Stocks?

Spreading out your risk is a wise principle and may help you sleep better at night. Should you own international stocks?

Three keys to deflect questionable financial advice

Three keys to deflect questionable financial advice

With unlimited information, it is easy to get lost in the noise. Anyone can talk about sports, finances, or politics, here are three tips...

How Much Do I Need to Retire?

Get your free retirement readiness report to find out!


Is your family set up to succeed or fail?

6 Keys To Create An Impactful Legacy